May 18, 2015


First of all, this morning I found out that exist two different MIPS in this world.

First MIPS is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by MIPS Technologies (formerly MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.).

The other MIPS is a software product. I wanted to talk about this one because I had to face it at my workplace. This MIPS is from Management & Information Processing Services. They said that this software is made to help you in your Management activities.

From my experience at my workplace this software help you to annoying you. It is ugly and difficult to use. It is not oriented to user. It is made to build another ugly thinks. MIPS solutions doesn't help you, MIPS generates a lot of new problems. Here we have built something very nice with webserver and external database using AJAX, jQuery for front-end for a wonderful experience for the final users. But, MIPS team came with something ugly and nonsense solution. They have been chosen because they are MIPS even their solution is a big problem for users teams. Because the IT management is old and they don't understand that we are in XXI century.

And how can you have trust in this kind of software when they have a website like this?
* built like has been made in 1992.
* ugly and non-friendly structure
* unfinished texts
* Underconstruction ???? Since 2011.

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